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Certificate III in Psychosomatic Therapy

Certificate III in Psychosomatic Therapy


This certificate is designed by the Registered Training Office (RTO) of the Psychosomatic Therapy College (AIBMAPT) and is a ASQA Accredited Certificate III 10821NAT.

Psychosomatic Therapy is all about the acquisition of self knowledge and self awareness. Firstly, we do this by exploring the physical body as it is the design that represents all that we are at this point in time. Then, through the understanding of the principles of nature, its pathways and methodologies, we reveal the current experience in relation to the pure form of each individual. It is through the growing of the relationship within ourselves we discover deep transformative core changes.

The format of the course is specifically designed in sequence to guide each person through their own self awareness whilst simultaneously exploring another. Witnessing how life is created and exists allows the individual to discover their truth and therefore themselves.

This course is 10 days. It is delivered in 3 segments. Level 1 6 days, Level 2 4 days and 2 days of client supervision. For full government accreditation a Log Book must be completed within 12 months of the last day of the course.


Day 1 - Psychosomatic Breakthrough
Psychosomatic Principles combined with the evolution of life to discover the keys of this remarkable therapy.
Day 2 - Psychosomatic Therapy Face Reading ©
The face is the mirror of the entire form and as thus we start here. This is the art of structure equals function, condition equals behaviour. Through geometry and the comprehension of the flesh we unveil the experience of life.
Day 3, 4&5 - Perform Psychosomatic Therapy Body/Mind Analysis ©
In gathering the basic principles from Face Reading we then methodically explore the entire physical form to reveal the individuals life experience up to this point in time. The alignment, balance, position, presentation and responsiveness all display and explain each individuals experience. We then discover that each individual is unique although we all have the same principles.
Day 6 - Perform Psychosomatic Therapy Hand Reading ©
The entire form is also revealed in the hands. This day we explore the deeper philosophy and methodology of life via the pathways that exist through our hands.


Day 7 - Perform Psychosomatic Therapy Emotional Analysis of potential Characteristics ©
Thoughts create our experience. Now lets look at the biology of our form and how the internal relationship of our systems create the conditions that influences our experience. How our body systems, organs and cellular organization operates creates an effect of our experience.
Day 8 - Apply Psychosomatic Diagnostic Framework ©
A continuation yet an explanation of how disease is formed in our bodies and the intricate relationship of clarity requested on behalf of our body. As a practitioner you will be shown the many applications and management of Psychosomatic consultations.
Day 9 - Perform Bodywork with a Psychosomatic Framework ©
You will learn and receive a full body emotional release technique to reset your state.
Day 10 - Apply Reflective Practice in Psychosomatic Therapy Role ©
You will be required to perform a full body reading displaying and implementing all that you have acquired throughout the course. It is amazing how simple yet profound Psychosomatics is.
Day 11 & 12 - Practitioners Certification/Client Supervision ©
To gain full accreditation these 2 days are designed for the students to display and accomplish various forms of Psychosomatic consultations with models whilst under the supervision of their Teacher.


The accredited Certificate III in Psychosomatic Therapy is an approved course for Centrelink students payments such as Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY, Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement. This is a full time workload requirement that must be adhered to in order to qualify.  For more information on eligibility go to the Australian Government Department of human services website under ‘Students and Trainees’.

Once you have sat the full 10 days of a Psychosomatic Therapy course you can review the course for FREE, for 12 months.  Please follow this link for the Terms and Conditions regarding review.

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